Amy Smiles (single)

  • Amy Smiles (single)

Amy Smiles (single)

A guitar/B3 powered rocker that wistfully explores the mystery of relational trust and misunderstanding.


there you go with that far away look
the moonlight's in your eyes
I wish just once you would say what's on your mind
it can't be all that difficult to fathom telling the truth
to clear the air and get down to the roots

when Amy smiles she changes like the seasons
I've looked for her but she's just too hard to find
you and I will never know her reasons
there's just no way to get inside her mind

there you go with that far away look in your eyes
you'd rather just say nothing, than to make up some new lies
here I go explaining, cause you offer no excuse
in all these years I know, I still don't know you

when Amy smiles she changes like the seasons
I've looked for her but she's just too hard to find
you and I will never know her reasons
there's just no way to see inside her mind

© Mark Herring 2013, Drew Faith Music (SESAC)

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